make time for.



I (along with many other women) have a serious girl crush on Tina Fey. There, I said it. The words that come out of her mouth make me laugh so hard my eyes tear up. I read her memoir Bossypants while on my trip to California, and I am not kidding, I was laughing out loud on the plane. Probably making the rest of the passengers think I was a little crazy. Oh well. I have the same reaction to 30 Rock...which I can watch over and over again and never tire of.

I was, and still am that girl whose reaction to anything that ends with "-man" is "don't you mean woman?!"
My mother always use to playfully tell my sister and I to lift something "like a man" or pull weeds "like a man." My response...."Do I look like a man?" Thank you Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin (who I'm told looks like my pops) for keeping my pinch of feminism alive.

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